中国摩擦密封材料网 资料查询


2019-10-14    来源:




1.       习近平向2019中国国际智能产业博览会致贺信

Mr. Xi Sends a Congratulatory Letter to 2019 China International Intelligent Industry Expo



Policies and Regulations


2.       国务院关于调整工业产品生产许可证管理目录加强事中事后监管的决定

The Decision of The State Council on Readjustment of the Catalogue for the Administration of Production Licenses for Industrial Products and Strengthening In-process and Ex-post Supervision

3.       国务院关于加强和规范事中事后监管的指导意见-

Guiding Opinions of The State Council on Strengthening and Standardizing In-process and Ex-post Supervision

4.       国务院办公厅关于加快推进社会信用体系建设构建以信用为基础的新型监管机制的指导意见-

The General Office of the State Council Guide Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Social Credit System and Constructing a New Supervision Mechanism Based on Credit

5.       七部委关于进一步加强违规涉企收费治理工作的通知

The Notice of Seven Ministries and Commissions Further Strengthen the Violation of the Enterprise Charges Management

6.       工业和信息化部关于促进制造业产品和服务质量提升的实施意见

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Implement Opinions on Improving the Quality of Products and Services in the Manufacturing Industry

7.       关于全面推开行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩改革的实施意见

NDRC on the Comprehensive Implementation of the Reform of Delinking Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce from Administrative Organs

8.       国家发展改革委关于建立健全企业家参与涉企政策制定机制的实施意见

Opinions of the National Development and Reform Commission on the Establishment and Improvement of a Mechanism for Entrepreneurs to Participate in Policy-making Related to Enterprises

9.       市场监管总局关于进一步优化国家企业信用信息公示系统的通知

Notice of the State Administration of Market Supervision on Further Optimizing the National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure System



Papers about Friction Materials


10.   云母氧化铁作为刹车片软磨料的案例研究------------ Veronika  张伟棠

A Case Study of Mica Iron Oxide as a Soft Abrasive for Brake Pads

11.   混杂纤维增强无石棉鼓式片的效应研究-----------------------------段亚萍 陈克文

Study on the Effect of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Asbestos-free Drum Sheet

12.   车制动闸瓦用烧结RGO/Cu-Ag复合材料的摩擦磨损性能分析------------李远军

Friction and Wear Performance Analysis of Sintered RGO/Cu-Ag Composites for Brake Shoes

13.   纳米颗粒增强铜基喷撒摩擦片的摩擦学性能研究------------------张国洪 许成法 冯秀明 许遥 杜建华

Tribological Properties of Nano-particles Reinforced Copper-based Spray Friction Plate



Papers about Sealing Materials


14.   基于 ABAQUS 的非石棉垫片密封结构的仿真分析-------------李雷 曾超 刘伦伦

Simulation Analysis of Non-Asbestos Gasket Sealing Structure Based on ABAQUS

15.   微球发泡剂制备高发泡倍率NBR—金属复合密封板--------------鹏锦雯 白云波 唐干 邓卫星 刘远立

Preparation of Stainless Steel Reinforced Foamed NBR with High Foaming Ratio by Hollow Polymer Microsphere

16.   浅析石油化工装置中密封垫片失效泄漏原因-------------周锋

Analyzed the Causes of Sealing Gasket Failure and Leakage in Petrochemical Plant



Learned Discussion


17.   如何科学与公平对待温石棉---------------王绵珍 罗素琼 兰亚佳

How to Treat Chrysotile Asbestos Scientifically and Fairly