中国摩擦密封材料网 资料查询


2018-10-23    来源:





Papers about Friction Material

1.         合成硫化物氧化温度对无铜配方性能和磨损影响的研究------------------ Carlos Lorenzana

A Study of the Effect of Oxidation Temperature of Synthetic Sulfides in the Performance and Wear in a Copper-Free Formulation.

2.         金属系列硫化物和金属系列氧化物摩擦材料之应用----------------- Federico Zaglia

Metal Sulfides and Metal Oxides for Friction & Brake Pads Industry

3.         为新能源汽车摩擦片研发的轻量化和防腐蚀的刚性连接钢背技术-----------Parimal B. Mody 赵楠

Light-Weight and Corrosion-Resistant Back-Plate Technologies for Mechanically-Attached Brake Pads for Electric Vehicles

4.         全自动、清洁、高效摩擦材料生产线方案探讨----------------雷建斌 陈克文

The Program Discussion of All Automatic, Cleaning, Efficient Friction Material Production Line

5.         复合硫化物取代硫化锑的研究------------------刘学庆 余思彬 孟增祥

The research on the Composite Sulfides Replacing Antimony Sulfide

6.         高回弹石墨化碳素(RGCTM)对盘式刹车片性能的影响------------宋克非

Resilient Graphitic Carbon for Brake Pad Performance

7.         商用车盘式制动摩擦材料性能探讨--------------------------安忠文 周怀良

Disc Brake Pad Performance of Commercial Vehicle

8.         高铁列车制动器惯性试验台的研制----------------韩君 苏广平 刘大欣

Design on Inertia-dynamometer of High-speed Rail Brake

9.         玄武岩纤维增强合成摩擦材料的制备及应用-----------------尹彩流 王秀飞 谢奥林

Fabrication Technique and Application of Basalt Fibers Reinforced Polymer Friction Materials

10.     风电用高强度树脂基自润滑摩擦材料的应用研制------杨鹤清 聂鑫磊 涂苏波 杨欣 熊莉荣

Application Research of High-Strength Self-Lubricating Resin Base Friction Material for Wind Turbines

11.     摩擦材料新工艺及自动化装备交流---------------张仁义

Communication for New technology of Friction Materials and Automation Equipment

12.     国内摩擦材料行业压制成型工艺之现状---------------------张金钟

Present Situation of Pressing Molding Technology in Domestic Friction Material Industry

13.     导热钛酸盐及其在无铜NAO刹车片中的应用------------------姚文俊

Thermal Conduction Titanate and its Application in Copper Free NAO Brake Pad

14.     蜂巢石墨对制动片噪音影响的初步研究-------------------王玮辰

Research on the Effect of Cellular Graphite on the Noise Performance of Brake Pads

15.     缩比惯性试验台的研发----------------------王利宁 韩君 王鸣歌 苏广平 柏杨

Scale Dynamometer Research and Development

16.     摩擦材料检测技术的实践----------------------刘学耕 刘毅 刘擘 朱绵鹏 葛聪 姚淑敏

The Practice of Friction Material Test Technology

17.     摩擦材料生产中的环保解决方案----------------------李枝芳  刘卫

Environmental Protection Solutions in Friction Material Production

18.     聚合物基摩擦材料-金属配副界面摩擦膜纳米结构与性能--------------------张嘎

Nanostructures and Properties of Polymer - Based Friction Material-Metal Interface Friction Film



Papers about Sealing Material

19.     无石棉密封材料的高温性能研究------------------谢苏江

Study on Elevated Temperature Basic Properties of Non-Asbestos Sheet-Gasket Materials

20.     耐高温密封材料发展方向与研究应用--------------------王仕江

Development Direction and Application of High-Temperature Sealing Materials

21.     一种新型船舶系统管路用辊压无石棉密封垫片材料的研究----------------乔星耀

Ship System Line with Roller Press without Asbestos Sealing Gasket Materials

22.     低逸散阀门发展趋势与填料研究应用-------------------杨瑞

Development Trend of Low Escape Valve and Application of Packing Research